Pure wool fabrics for reenactment shades of beige
Our selection of pure, natural wools for re-enactement lets you focus your energies on the battle at hand without having to worry about the authenticity of your kit. Our 100% wools and merinos are soft to the touch, breathable, comfortable, and warm. Other benefits include wool’s natural water resistance and wonderful self-cleaning quality. Wool textiles were used heavily throughout Europe, not just by Vikings and northern tribes. We carry wool broadcloth both in plain weave and twill. Check out our diamond-weave wool too. Our lightweight wool textiles are made in family-run workshops in Europe and fulfill strict re-enactment criteria.

Pure wool for historical authenticity
We carry 100% natural wool for re-enactement and accessories, film production, SCA and other uses. We carry traditional, high quality wool textiles such as wool broadcloth and diamond-weave wool for authentic re-enactement. We are happy to help you select the right fabric for your project.